I FINALLY created a blog to document the happenings of Peace Corps life in Guyana. I started to make one for Guatemala, but sometimes things change. :-) I make no promises about keeping it regularly updated and writing profound/interesting things (that is for you to decide). I do hope to use it as a way to reflect upon my own Peace Corps experience and to keep you somewhat in the loop, where ever you may be.
January 30th starts my PC orientation in Philly and then at 12:35 am Feb 1 I fly to Guyana to begin my 27 months as a Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV). Currently, my mornings consist of freaking out a little as I check out how many days I have until I leave and then trying to figure out what I should be doing to prepare. Please note the "should be doing." I HATE packing so I pretty much will find anything/everything else to do instead of what I "should be doing."
I did manage to raid Target and contemplated a decent 10 minutes as to whether I should get the Swiss Army Knife with 13 tools or 15 tools. I mean this is 2 years, whether I get the scissors or the wood saw feature could make a world of difference! All jokes aside, it is rather difficult to determine what you might need and will/won't have access to while in a rural area of a foreign country for 2 years. I am pretty much just winging it and hoping I don't forget anything too important.
For now, I am just trying to enjoy my last days in the States with my friends and family and contain my excitement/nervousness I have for this new adventure. I hope that you will continue to follow me through this experience. Ciao!
P.S. I think I went with this one

I hate to pack too and I ALWAYS leave it for the last minute! You'll be fine. I'm so excited for you I could burst. I love you.