Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Visit to America

Whew!  What a mixed bag it was visiting the U.S.!   I imagined what it would be like for so long and now it has turned into kind of a blip on the map.  It definitely turned out much different than I thought it would.  In a way, I thought I’d be running down the streets skipping with joy, but I think I was a lot more dazed and confused.  Luckily I wasn't too confused to eat 5 Chipotle burritos!  
  Everything felt normal or maybe I was just silently overwhelmed.  Home always has a tendency to fit like your favorite pair of shoes, but for some reason it was just a little bit off.  Maybe it was the clash of living between two worlds that both vie for my attention.  I was incredibly happy to see my family and friends.  They were extremely welcoming and excited and absolutely wonderful.  People came by cars, planes, and trains just to hangout and it was amazing.
   In an odd way though, there was some weird gap that I felt hung right between our lives.  I left the U.S., D.C., my friends, and family bundled up inside, away from the chilly East Coast winter.  In my mind, bundled up was where they stayed.  Yes, I heard about big events and chatted away on Skype dates, but in a way everything was just standing still in my mind.  It felt different than coming home from college because everyone’s home life is put on hold when you go away to school.  Everyone picks it back up again when they return.  In this case, I was the only one who had pushed pause and everyone was going about comfortably in play.  So I returned back in a state of fast forward.  It wasn’t too bad, but I could sense that I was emotional and a bit tired from trying to keep up with everything.  I wanted to just dive into things as if they didn’t change and I hadn’t left, which is unrealistic.  It is unsettling when you miss a “home” in your mind that is different from what it actually is now. 
I did have those moments though that I could just breathe in and relish in.  Like riding on the metro late at night with jumbo slice pizza, doing work in my favorite coffee shop, watching the city bustle for the morning commute, eating AMAZING Italian food and crying from laughing so hard, making fun of SLOW MO features, driving and blasting music, seeing my old co-workers from Mary’s Center, sitting and snuggling on the coach with my dog and chatting with my family, crescent trail running, sharing good food and drinks with friends and reliving crazy memories of road trips or studying abroad, and wearing silly hats while hangin out.  
One morning I was watching people get on their way with their morning commute, grabbing coffee and reading the Express and I was envious, nostalgic really.  There is something about being a working person in the city that has always been romantic to me.  The funny thing is that I used to have a 9-5 job, with that same metro commute.  Half the time I wished I could just go travel and live somewhere else.  It is funny sometimes how the grass always seems greener.  But as the saying goes, it is always greener where you water it.  
I think that’s the thing. I have spent a lot of time making a life in Guyana and I can see I’ve done a pretty good job; my life isn’t exactly in D.C. anymore.  I also realized that a part of me has always been there hanging on, boots stuck in the mud like a stubborn little girl throwing a tantrum.  This time when I left, I scooped her up; it was time to take her with me and she knew it.  It is hard to be fully somewhere when another part of you is trying to get you to turn back around.  You have to leave things as they were and maybe they were meant to be left that way, so that years later you can get together and talk about them, like that trip to Spain, or that crazy night. 
I do know that friendship is one thing that bridges space and time.  It was amazing how you can just pick back up with people like old times.  It is truly the love and support of friends and family that have made it possible for me to even have the courage to do something like the Peace Corps, well anything in life really.  Although I’d love to go back and just be, we all have our own lives that have carried us to different places, which is pretty amazing to see.  
  So alas, I am back in Guyana with another 10 months to go.  I have already hit the ground running with Camp GLOW planning, meeting the newbies, among other things.  I think July and August are going to be busy months filled with camps so I’m gearing up for that.  If you don’t hear from me til late August, you know why.  

 Overall, I am so happy I was able to go home to visit and I want to thank everyone for their love and support.  I’ll be back jus’ now and in the meantime, you are always welcome to come visit me in the wild land of Guyana! :-)


P.S. I made in through an entire blog entry without using any quotes….whhaaatt???!


  1. No quotes, but you did use a turn of phrase, sooooo...

    Loved seeing you, and always love reading these updates. You're the best.

    <3 Em

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The Urban Sombrero from Seinfeld purchased from the J. Peterman catalog. Admitting to 5 Chipolte Burritos, what about the NY Bagels!
    Also the Guyana Pepper Sauce spilled and we now have a pothole in our driveway.
